certified practitioner
trauma specialist

Fumie Toki
[email protected]
+33 6 62 92 16 34
Heal from past wounds, Create the life you truly love
QEC (Quantum Energy Coaching) was developed by Dr Melanie Salmon, medical doctor, Gestalt psychotherapist, trauma specialist and teacher.
It is a gentle and effective healing tool which brings together the power of human connection with neuroscience. It works to build internal resilience and overall health by accessing the most powerful part of our brain – the subconscious.
QEC is effective for resolving a wide range of issues from deep traumas, anxiety, chronic pain, self-worth, fatigue, eating-disorders, weight concern, relationship, parenting issues, insomnia, skin conditions and addiction to manifesting and creating a life you truly love.
Dr. Melanie Salmon has committed her life to the exploration and practice of healing.
During her 40 years of experience in general practice and 15 years of Gestalt Psychotherapy, she became increasingly frustrated with the limited ability of pharmaceutical drugs to treat the cause of many health issues.
Almost daily, she has encountered patients suffering from medical illnesses caused by stressful lives – many having recurring health and psychological concerns which never healed completely.
Medications and lengthy talk therapies, while helpful at times, seemed largely ineffective in alleviating the cause of many stress. It became clear to her that these problems were related to a dysfunctional nervous system caused by stored stress and unresolved-unhealed trauma. This understanding led her to leave medicine to seek out a better way.
In her quest to create lasting change, she immersed herself in the field of Neuroscience, studying a range of new ‘Energy Medicine’ modalities that lead to actual, physical changes in the brain. From this melting pot emerged QEC.
The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes.
Over the past 25 years, the broad field of epigenetics and, over the past decade in particular, the emerging field of neuroepigenetics have been making exciting discoveries.
In his ground-breaking book “The Biology of Belief”, Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell-biologist and one of the pioneers in the field, explains that the foundation of most ailments lies in negative-limiting thinking. Lipton has shown scientifically that we are not controlled by our genes, but by the environment outside the cell (epigenetic influences) – with the most powerful of these being our thoughts!
What is equally fascinating is that our conscious mind controls only about 3-5% of our life (our thoughts, decisions, behaviour, reactions). 95-97% of our life comes from the programming in our subconscious mind.
Maybe you were repeatedly told by your parents that “you are not good enough”. These childhood wounds as well as the emotions you felt at the time become imprinted in our subconscious mind. And 95%” of the day, your subconscious mind will play this programming and will sabotage your life because “you are not good enough”.
So if we were not shown love, we believe we are not lovable.
If we were not allowed to show emotion, we believe our feelings are invalid.
These hidden negative influences coming from our “programming” not only influence our emotions, thoughts and behaviours but they also create permanent stressors in our nervous system, pushing it into the freeze or fight-or-flight state. This creates a huge negative impact on your overall health.
Dr. Lipton was among the first to show that if we want to make permanent changes in our lives, we need to find methods able to change thinking at the subconscious level of the mind.
This is why it is of great importance to have a mind-body-spirit approach to health and to release stored stress and past trauma by working with the power of the subconscious mind.
Using the QEC method, we are able to regain balance in our autonomic nervous system and change the belief systems and conditioning that no longer serves us. The neuroplasticity of the brain allows us to “rewire” our neural pathways, freeing us from the limitations of our past.
In this way, we can fundamentally change the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us, releasing the stored trauma and stress from our mind and body.
QEC embodies the latest developments in Neuroscience, Gestalt Psychotherapy, Epigenetics, Quantum Physics and Cardiac Breathing.
During the QEC sessions we use a combination of:
The client is fully conscious at all times and the process is quick, easy and effortless. Once installed, the new beliefs are permanent and the change is profound.
A typical QEC session lasts 90 minutes.
QEC is not a long-term therapy though the length depends on the issues and on each person.
free yourself from what has been holding you back
I currently offer online sessions via Zoom which are very effective. You can stay in the comfort of home and receive all the benefit of this life changing experience.
A single session usually takes 90 minutes.
The length of work depends on the complexity of the topic, the client’s history, what changes they are looking for, and the individual pace.
It is truly a personal experience, and we need to be mindful of not comparing our own process to others. It is important to embrace our own healing journey and trusting the process to unfold.
Generally speaking, QEC is not a long term therapy.
I work with a wide range of issues, for example; health problems, mental health challenges, self-worth issues, financial problems, relationship issues and situations involving grief and loss. Any circumstance can be improved by releasing stress and trauma and changing your “programming” at the subconscious level.
Most talk therapies deal with the conscious mind. However, to effect deep and lasting change, we need to address the core issues & beliefs which control us at the subconscious level. These beliefs are mostly out of our awareness, in our subconscious mind. With QEC, we access the limiting thoughts and change them at the subconscious level, freeing us up to be in alignment with our conscious goals.
“Lengthy talk therapies, while helpful at times, are largely ineffective in alleviating the cause of most stress.” – Dr. Melanie Salmon
My own experience as a client in years of talk therapy is the same. QEC sessions have helped me resolve my core issues and negative beliefs that I was not able to resolve in years of therapy. It truly is a transformational experience.
Our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes.
We have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe.
With QEC, you can experience the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all.
No, you remain totally conscious and in full control throughout the process.
No, QEC does not require any work outside of the 90 minute sessions with the practitioner. If you do enjoy meditating, you can, but QEC does not require it to experience healing at the subconscious level.
Anyone who is ready for change and willing to do some personal self-development healing work is suitable. QEC is very safe and suitable for all ages, with clients in all states of health. There are no contra-indications to doing QEC although the treatment is not advised for those with medically diagnosed psychotic disorders.
We do recommend that you only undergo one talk therapy at a time, so please let me know if you are working with another therapist.
Yes. QEC can address relationship issues and is really effective in growing individually and as a couple.
If you are having some challenges in your relationship/marriage and would like to address them together, we can do QEC sessions around this topic. This will involve some sessions as a couple as well as individual sessions.
What if your partner is not willing to do QEC or any personal-development healing work, but you want see your relationship grow? Don’t worry! You can do individual QEC work; it only takes one person to start shifting towards healing and growth for the whole dynamic of the couple to transform.
If you are really in disagreement with your partner – in instance of divorce or separation for example – I recommend that you each work with a separate QEC practitioner. In this case, I can refer you to a trusted colleague for your partner/husband/wife.
Absolutely. QEC is ideal for expanding your creativity and removing any creative blocks.
Yes. With QEC we apply focused intention to future goals and dreams, installing the new beliefs in the subconscious mind. In this way, the energetic shift in your energy field attracts what you desire, through the “Law of Attraction”.
Thoughts are generated in the brain, which is composed of 100 billion nerve cells that transmit impulses through synapses. In other words, thoughts are electrochemical reactions.
Our world might appear to work in a predictable, mechanistic way, yet when you get down to the basic building blocks of all matter at the subatomic level, everything is pure energy in a constant state of potential.
We create our reality by constantly communicating with this Quantum Field through our thoughts and feelings. Thoughts are electrical impulses, emotions are magnetic.
The principles of Quantum physics show that the electromagnetic influence of the mind on our reality is powerful and immediate and that to change our experience, we need to change our thinking.
No, it is absolutely safe and there are no side effects.
Absolutely not. This process bypasses the conscious mind so it is irrelevant what you believe. The proof of success is in experiencing the positive changes in your life.
I suggest reading Bruce Lipton’s “The Biology of Belief” which can be found in most bookstores and is translated into several languages.
Other good books with related topics are:
certified practitioner
trauma specialist
Fumie Toki
[email protected]
+33 6 62 92 16 34
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